Show Information
Kyhlwood Training students are able to participate in our schooling shows. They do not need to own their own horses as most students ride lesson horses. Only lease students may participate in off-property shows.
At our home shows and the Select Charity show all students are welcome to wear their Kyhlwood Training shirts or appropriate show clothes. Other shows require jeans and a long sleeve button-up shirt for western and breeches and a hunt coat for English. Even if a helmet is not a show requirement it is still a Kyhlwood Training requirement and will always be required when mounted. For events where students will not be showing they are encouraged to wear their Kyhlwood Training shirt..
Hair needs to be pulled up into a neat bun or ponytail when showing. If the ponytail goes past your shoulder blades then it should be in a bun. Keep in mind that a neat tidy appearance is important for both our horses and riders. Please always make sure that your hair is not blocking your number if pinned to your back.
If you are the only person showing a specific horse I encourage you to place your number on your saddle pad on both sides of your horse. Make sure if you need to make a 2nd number for the other side of your horse it is large, clear, bold numbers and readable from a distance. If you are sharing a horse you will need to have your number pinned to your back. Make sure it is straight and pinned on each side so that it does not move around.